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Do not Let A Car Crash Wreck Your Finances

Meet with Juan A. Gonzalez in El Paso, TX

Even at slow speeds, auto accidents can cause serious injuries that have lasting effects. If you were injured while behind the wheel, contact Juan A. Gonzalez Attorney At Law immediately. He will help you seek fair compensation.

Juan A. Gonzalez has handled thousands of car accident cases over the last 30 years. He knows how to take on insurance companies and nationwide trucking companies to seek a fair recovery.

Call 915-532-8844 now to speak with an experienced auto accident attorney in El Paso, TX. 

Whether you were involved in an accident with another car or a truck, it is important to follow these steps afterward. No matter who or what caused the crash, you should:

What steps should you take after an auto accident?

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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Call 911

Take as many pictures as possible at the scene

Seek Medical Care Immediately

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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Set up a consultation with Juan A. Gonzalez 

Bring your ID, police report and medical report to the meeting

Automobile accidents can have serious physical and financial consequences. Retaining an experienced and knowledgeable auto accident attorney can make all the difference in getting your life back in order. 

Schedule an appointment with Juan A. Gonzalez today. Se habla español.

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